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The Impact of Mattering

Through the mentoring relationship, our students develop an expanding sense of self and the impact they can make in the world.

The Evolution of Mattering

There are three phases of the mentee evolution that a mentee an experience through The Arthur Project:

Phase 1:
"I matter to YOU"

Through trust, attunement, and reciprocity, the mentee begins to realize that “I (the mentee) matter to you (the mentor)”.

Phase 2:
"I matter to myself"

The mentee begins to internalize the sense of mattering and feelings of self-worth.

Phase 3:
"I matter to the world"

The mentee begins to experience their own power, understanding that their choices and actions have an impact on the world.

Systemic Change in the Field of Mentoring

Moving away from unstructured, volunteer-based programming

What Accounts for The Systemic Change?

We envision a shift away from the majority of youth mentoring programs as informal, unstructured and recreational in nature, into the development of a widely-adopted framework supporting structured mentoring relationships, differentiated in the following ways:

  • Robust, evidence-based mentor trainings as a new industry standard
  • Increased intensity of mentoring relationships
  • Equipping mentors with skillsets appropriately matched to their mentees’ most critical developmental and academic milestones
  • Program design that explores recruitment of non-volunteer-based mentors— for The Arthur Project, that means strategic partnerships with clinical training programs to place emerging clinicians as mentors
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